Storing Your Washer and Dryer for Short and Long Durations

Storing your washer and dryer properly is essential to ensure they remain in good condition when not in use. Whether you’re storing them for a short duration or an extended period, following these instructions will help know how long can you keep a washer and dryer in storage and also preserve the functionality and longevity of your appliances.

  1. Cleaning and Preparation:


Run an empty cycle with hot water and a cup of distilled white vinegar to clean the drum and hoses.

Wipe down the exterior and interior surfaces to remove any detergent residue.

Leave the door open slightly to allow air circulation and prevent odors.

how long can you keep a washer and dryer in storage


  • Clean the lint trap thoroughly to prevent lint buildup.
  • Wipe the drum with a damp cloth to remove any remaining lint or debris.
  • Ensure the exhaust vent is clean and clear.
  1. Disconnecting and Draining:


  • Disconnect hoses and drain any remaining water.
  • If applicable, clean and remove the detergent dispenser.


  • Unplug the dryer from the power source.
  • Disconnect the vent hose and clean both ends.
  1. Securing for Storage:

Short-Term Storage (Up to 6 Months):

  • Place appliances on a level surface to prevent strain on internal components.
  • Cover with a breathable cloth or sheet to protect against dust.
  • Ensure the storage area is dry and free from extreme temperatures.

Long-Term Storage (Over 6 Months):

  • Consider adding a moisture absorber or desiccant inside the appliances to control humidity.
  • Use appliance covers or wrap them in moving blankets for additional protection.
  • Elevate the appliances slightly to prevent contact with the floor.
  1. Choosing the Right Storage Location:

Climate-Controlled Storage:

  • Whenever possible, choose a climate-controlled storage unit.
  • Maintain a consistent temperature to prevent damage from extreme heat or cold.

Outdoor Storage:

  • If storing outdoors, use waterproof covers designed for appliances.
  • Elevate appliances off the ground to prevent exposure to moisture.


By following these instructions, you can confidently understand how long can you keep a washer and dryer in storage. Proper cleaning, disconnection, securing, and choosing the right storage location are key steps to maintaining the condition of your appliances and ensuring they are ready for use when needed.